Here are a few tidbits.
I'm still on the hunt for a new gig that involves a ton less numbers. However, I've started a game with myself where everytime I go to type in a number I associate an age with it.
"82. The age I'll be when I finally find a job I love."
"18. The age when I thought things were really hard. HA!!!!! Stupid 18 year olds."
"26. The age I realized people weren't going to show up at my door with money and fames. Yes fames. I coined it just now and it's sticking."
Anyway, that's passing the time.
I'm going to Wisconsin AGAIN this weekend with Fred and Jason to see Jason's family and surprise his little brother at a show in which his band is playing.....phewwww.....that was a hard sentence to construct. You can tell I've been immersed in numbertown lately.
OH! My birthday was grand as usual. Had a wonderful time with my family and got to pick out a brand new bed set for our brand new bed!!!!
BEHOLD THE BEDROOM FIT FOR ADULTS! (bathing cat not included)

Finally, Jason is the most fun person to be married to ever. I have been so stressed out and weird lately but he makes me laugh every single day and keeps his material fresh. FRESH! If that's ALL I had going for me I would still be one of the luckiest people on the planet. Thank you to him for being the best.
Whoa. The end of this post makes it seem like I'm offing myself or going into hiding. I'm not. Just doing a little stock taking. It's good for the perspectives.