This is a pic of my notes collection. It's more of a triad than a collection but it's going to grow into something magical, I just know it. My co-worker Joe always wants to go for coffee towards the end of the day so a group of us usually make a Starbucks run around 3:00. One day we totally spaced and forgot to tell him. When I got back to my desk there was a note on my chair that said "You went to Starbucks? I'm hurt. Sadly (then sadly is crossed out), Sadly, Joe." It's become our favorite joke over in my area. At least once a day one of us says..."Sadly....(then we make a cross out noise) Sadly, Joe." It's so not funny to the outside world but man it kills me still.
So then yesterday I sent Joe some pictures I had taken of a booth layout at a tradeshow for some graphics stuff he's doing and the photos were horrible due to my crap camera (Jason found it in a cab 3 years ago so what do I expect?). Joe was laughing hystercially and I told him not to hurt my feelings (jokingly) then I went for coffee without him. When I got back a napkin was on my chair "Crescent, I'm sorry about my photo comments. Sorry, (crossed out) Sorry, Joe."
I love office antics and private jokes. Even though I just made this one sort of public.
PS - The yellow note says "I am the last can standing". It was on a can of LaCroix water a few months ago and it cracked me up. I have a weak constitution for puns and word play.
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