I will post a pic of her once I can look at said pic without bawling. I'm just not ready.
Other than THAT things are great. I've lost 8 lbs. We are slowly but slowly getting out of debt. There are some job prospects on El Horizon. If I ever open a Mexican breakfast joint I'm naming it that. COPYRIGHT!!!! There...that makes the idea legally mine.
J and I are heading to my sister's for Thanksgiving and can't wait. We are having Kentucky ham (salty and awesome not wiggly and sweet like they do hams up here) AND turkey. Maybe it will be like Thanksgiving of 2000 when I ate so much I literally puked. I hope so. That was hilarious. (just kidding barf gods. I don't want that to happen again. It hurt.)
So there's my update for now.
Here's a picture of me and Jason at the bon fire in Michigan a few weeks ago. I love our weird green and orange color scheme. It's so circa '81 Sears living room.

Oh Crescent, I am so sorry to hear about little Ava. :( I cannot even imagine how hard that must be...
But I am glad other things are looking well. Congrats on the 8 lbs!!
Hey Honey,
I know that you think that I never read your blog..but I do! I am caught up. You are so sweet and I love you very much.
I love you too!!!! I'm so excited you commented on my blog! I think it's funny that you are Anonymous. I was sure you write under the pen name "Duu"
Also thanks Diane for the sympathy and encouragement!!!
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