Jason made baked chicken for the first time last night. It was a big event and very chicktastic.
Unlike my stupid lunch today. I just had one of those "I have no idea what I want so I'll accidentally buy and eat totally sick food."
I walked outside and was cold and decided to get a sandwich from 7-11. I know. Brainiac. So I got a chicken salad on whole wheat, a string cheese and a pack of cup of soup (actually we have this for free at work). I got to the check out and looked up and there are five....FIVE pigeons INSIDE the 7-11. Well that got my bile a risin'. As I walked I started trying to imagine myself eating this sandwich I just bought at the pidge pidge house and realized it was going to be tough. BUT I had no more cash and didn't want to take more out so I just tried to tough it out.
With my last dollar I figured I would get some Baked Lays out of the machine to go with my powder soup and bird flu but what happens? Well I put in my quarters and hit vend and the bag gets stuck. I did a backwards 5 count to avoid a kick fit and put in two more quarters and hit vend thinking I'd end up with two bags of chips. Second bag gets stuck too. So I gave up. Not just on the chips, on everything. Just kidding. But I thought about it.
Soooo I ended up just eating the crust around the chicken salmonella sandwich and my soup. It was all just as sick as you imagine.
That a part of my personality I just will never understand. It vexes me daily. Why do I do stuff like that? Like what goes through my brain that makes me think that will be a decent lunch? And old sandwich and hot water and salt powder? I
could've done so much more with that $5. But there's some weird
spazzy part of my melon that leads me to make such weird decisions for myself. This is why I don't really like too much alone time. I simply can't be trusted.