Welp I'm applying to grad school. After lots of talks with my sister and my friends and Jason I've decided to attempt a masters in social work. This might sound a little out of left field but I assure you it isn't. I've been trying to figure out a career and life that matters and reaches outside of my own little world and social work is the fit. I'm going to focus on family and couples counseling I think OR non-profit management OR hospital case work. Or maybe some other facet will catch my eye. They all really appeal to me and feel like a calling as self aggrandizing as that sounds.
On the job front, I had a second interview with a company I would love to work for and am hoping I get the job. I feel like I might but who knows. Here's hoping.
Also, lots of love and good vibes to my mom today who is having surgery on both of her knees. Ugh. But hopefully it will give her some pain relief once they heal.
Anyway, like I always say, every time something difficult happens it's closely followed by a great opportunity or, at the very least, a sense of clarity. That's the one thing you can really, truly count on in life, thankfully.
And for no reason at all I give you earless Calaban.

I think that is a fabulous and well-timed decision! Go you!!
Over the weekend I was talking to a friend who is getting ready to start her Ph.D. in psychology and I've not been able to shake a teeny twinge of jealousy.
I know you will make an amazing case worker -- you have such an ability to listen to love and to counsel. You're on your way!
I hope your mom begins healing right away and gets stronger each day.
I have good luck vibes headed out your way regarding the job. Keep me posted!
Love you CTP. Megs
Lovely, C. Perfect, in fact. When we adopted our boys from foster care, as you can imagine, social workers were part of the process at every turn. I can picture you in that position so clearly. What joy.
In other news, today is Holly Wrench's birthday. Think we should go to the gritty? :)
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