In other news Calaban the Unemployed Cat (pictured here refusing to put on a tie and go to his temp job) will live to see another day! He just got a good (ish) vet report after worries that he was not doing well. We are very happy and glad. Happy AND glad! Whoa. And maybe pleased even!
I'm kind of in the mood to bite people's arms really hard or throw a shoe at a face today but I think I can feel it passing.....maybe. I think it best if I spend the night alone with a good book that's shaped like a bottle and made of glass and full of chardonnay.

Oh and we were the victims of a splatting of some kind over the weekend. I like to think it's a tomato thrown at the precise time I made a horrible joke but Jason says it's paint...and he sort of likes it....says "I think it's artistic!". Uh huh...i bet you do Jason.
Suspect #1....Jason.
Suspect #2...the Greek Mafia (I have my reasons).
Suspect #3......The Crackingtons down the street.
Suspect #4.......................oh let's say Madam.

I am so glad Calaban the Fabulous got a clean bill of health. I am still nervy about taking my kittyheads to the vet and this made me feel a bit better!
Thanks D!
I have to tell you...just take them in. You taking them in doesn't change if they have something wrong or not. Take it from someone who let another cat get sick before I took him in and it turned out badly. Just get them in and see what's up. It's scary but so much better to know and be able to be proactive IF they need some meds or something.
#1 You are hilarious. I love your book idea.
#2 Yay Calaban! Glad he's ok. And if he wants to borrow Parker's tie, he can.
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