So the stupid cancer spread to her lymph nodes. We are waiting to see how many they spread to. So far only one sentinal node for sure. This probably means chemo for my mom. Dammit. I have been really angry the past few days but after kicking a box across my kitchen and eating a really outlandishly large plate of Marge Noodles (TM) I woke up feeling better. Ready to fight for and with her.
I will only say this once then I'm putting it in the shredder. This really is kind of unfair.
Done. Now onto the next battle. She is done with surgery already which is a HUGE plus. She is sore but able to get around. She will have to postpone her knee replacment until all this is over but she is still going to get that done. Right now it's all about kicking the cancer in the BH and being done with it.
Good things:
I've never felt closer to her. Or to my family in general. As my sister Kendra says "but shit....we were ALREADY close it's not like we needed to be taught a lesson!". True Kendra...true BUT now we are this crazy primal close like a pack of wolves. I feel like we are all in our roles and ready to face the bad parts of life together. There is some real comfort in being on a team like that.
Jason. Again. He's gotten so good and knowing how to help me feel my feelings and making me feel better all at once. Sometimes just by being quiet and patting my head.
My friends. Again. Just non stop support. I feel embarassed being in need again. I know I can't help it...I mean it's my mom...but jeeze. I can't wait to not be the one crying every two minutes. Not that I am crying every two minutes all the time...but sometimes.
Anyway, that's the current state of the union. Breast cancer can really go take a flying leap off a short cliff or whatever that expression is...plank? Whatever. I hate it.
but I love you!
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, and the progression of her cancer. However, if she approaches this with HALF the courage and strength you did, she'll be fine. And I'm sure she will... I'm betting that's where you inherited it.
Let me know if you need anything, and I'll be sending you and your mom all the good thoughts I can!
Your friend,
I think the term you're looking for is "short pier."
I cannot believe you all have to go through this, but my god, the love of your family for each other is really inspiring.
Yeah! Long walk off a short pier. thanks Hixx. And thank you both for the love. It will be okay. I could just use a few million naps. It will be fine, i know it.
Crescent! You are the strongest person in history, I am so frustrated that you have to deal with this. But I am so blown away by your ability to cope.
you know how i feel.
about it all.
about you all.
i'm taking all the mom prayers i have leftover since my mom's fight was so short, and am giving 'em to Jan. You all have got it in you for this story to be massively redeemed. I believe it with all my heart.
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