I had a really wonderful 31st birthday with my family and husband this past weekend. We ate and drank and laughed a ton. I even found out that I'm kind of good at throwing a softball! Kind of.
I also stumbled, literally, across a scale in the basement of my sister's house. I knew I'd gained a few pounds as of late, but it's due to being happy. I eat when I'm happy unlike many weight afflicted people who eat when stressed or sad. Not me. The better I'm feeling about my life....the better friends I am with food.
That's not really that big of a deal to me honestly.....I'm a little glad I'm like that....able to eat a hearty meal now and then...not the type to obsess about a little belly roll or two.....BUT if I was going to stick with my Waistline-may-care attitude I should NOT have stepped on that scale.
I will not tell you what the scale said. That is between the scale and me. I will tell you that it was accurate. I tested it with a weight from my sister's dumbbell set. I will also tell you that I must either wear it well OR be blissfully unaware of my current girth and width and more girth.
Regardless, I have control over this and am going to take it. Eating better I can do. I like healthy foods...I know what they are and where they are. What I'm a little dicey on is...*shudder* exercise.
I am sore from the aforementioned softball throw...singular. I threw one ball and am sore. I walk all the time, but I'm afraid the kind of working out I need to do goes a little bit beyond the stroll to the local tavern for a burger and pint.
I know where and how to work out, but it's gonna get ugly before it gets pretty.
However, it will be worth it and I figure by writing it on my blog I'll be less likely to back down this time. Plus I really want to feel in shape. I think.
I'll keep you posted.....after my....*sigh*...banana and melba toast......singular.
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