My mother, has put the fear of god into me about grammar and spelling in this blogging business I've embarked on...into....into which I have embarked have I?? Oh god! NO! That's all wrong! Or is it wrongly? CRAP!!!! It's starting again.... I'm sweating and short of breath.
I need to lie....lay.........recline post hats.....HASTE! Whoa....I don't feel so.......good.....I mean WELL!!!
I kid of course. Sort of.
She spotted, a pretty unforgivable error in an earlier post that I have since corrected so now I got the G.S.D.* somthin' fierce.
I must remember.......she's out there.......watching....waiting. She's got my number....has my number.....in her possession my number is had.......wait....no....
*G.S.D. has not yet been acknowledged by the A.M.A. as an actual disorder......yet.
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