This is a picture I drew in....oh let's guess.....1st grade? I remember it kind of well for two reasons....one, my Mom & Dad praised my art so much that I really thought I had some drawing talent. I mean....all kids are good artists, which was my Daddy's point, but I would say I was on the path to the more absurdist side of the craft as opposed to realism. (Case in point...that Christmas tree looks like a b.m. sporting a green faux fur coat, ready for the red carpet at the Poopy Awards or something. Looks like her date underdressed)
The second thing I remember about this piece is that multicolored smudge at the bottom underneath the cat and the...snake/sock puppet (I can't tell which). The smudge was made with a bunch of fluorescent oil paint my parents bought for me. It ruled. And smelled all arty and good. Like oats and far away gasoline fumes.
I had a terrifying, but empowering dream this morning between my alarms going off. I was living in this huge house that was known to be haunted by really bad vibe ghosts. I wanted to live there because it was nice and big and although super DUPER creeptastic, also beautiful. I watched the other people living in the house encounter the ghosts in really scary, dark ways but I kept my distance. Towards the end of the dream I got fed up and started really gently walking around the house and patting the walls and floors and saying, "I would never hurt you and you need to know that because if you let anyone else live here they will hurt you. So stop scaring me and my friends. We just want to clean you up and make you happy while we live here." Then I looked out a dark window (the house was dark through out the dream) and looked right into two yellow eyes. I knew it was a test and not to back down but I was so scared in the dream that my hair was standing on end and my eyes were pouring water. Then in real life my alarm started playing the theme to Benny Hill (Yakety Sax) full blast and woke me up. I woke up with a small yelp and tons of goosebumps, but instantly understood what that dream had to say.
When I told Jason about it he said..."Yipes, hon. (brief pause) I wonder if you had managed to stay asleep though the Benny Hill alarm if you would've all started running around in fast motion in your underwear?"
"Most likely" I said.