Thursday, March 22, 2007


Margaret has tagged me to tell six weird things about myself. This is my first game of blog tag and I'm going to try and get it right. It's hard keeping up with this bougey blogging society. Bunch of fancy weirdos.


1. I hate shopping and trying on clothes and avoid it at all costs but I do like having new things. So I impulse buy a lot to get it over with.

2. I love escargot and mussels but get very easily grossed out by chicken. I'll eat it but it better be almost burnt or I get the gags.

3. I have to really talk myself out of feeling emotion about inanimate objects. Like I just got a new cell phone and I ALMOST got teary eyed about taking the SIM card out of the old one. I cry when I sell cars too. I swear I'm not insane I just associate times and people and places with objects sometimes and can't let go. Okay, maybe I spoke too soon on that insane thing.

4. I kinda like the smell of skunk (not on me but in the air), gas (see previous parenthetical comment) and cow manure (again....not air).

5. I've never camped.

6. My third memory is of drinking Lemon Joy out of a bottle in front the sink.

PS - I have some very exciting news. Oh wait...I already told it in item 3. I got a new phone. but guess has a caaaammmmera!!!! This blog is about to come with more pictures! Bad ones, but still. Probably mostly of my cats or bars.

Here's one to get you started.
My adorable tabby Calaban (I call him Calafat, but it doesn't hurt his feelings I swear). Ugh. That pillow looks way dirtier than it is. Still...I need new sheets. Although that blanket rules. One of my best friends made it and on the other side it's supposed to have the word "meow" all over it because I like hearts and cats, but she attached it backwards so the other side says "woem" all over it. We love it.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Well, we were just another band out of Boston....

Brad Delp, the lead singer of Boston died this weekend. One of my favorite bloggers, Crabbydad, wrote a great entry about this today The entry coupled with the video and song at the end actually made me teary eyed.

My oldest sister is ten years older than me so I grew up listening to Boston, Journey, Forigner, Eddie Money, etc. when all the other kids were listening to Disney albums because they were 5 years old. My sisters wouldn't have that though. I got to spend most of my summer days with them since we were all off school listening to their music and I loved every minute of it. (another great song). I suppose to them it was babysitting, in fact I'm sure it was, but to me it was the coolest thing ever. We would "lay out" on sunny days and Jacy would set up the reflector matt and we'd use baby oil on our skin and lemon juice in our hair. Healthy. I would lay there and listen to them sing along with the radio and mimic their every move. They added more lemon juice then I added more lemon juice. They turned over, I turned over. They said a song "totally made them feel sad" and I would cry too.

Even better than lay out days were rainy/thunderstorm days. That was when we would wash our hair in the spilloff from the gutter. It sounds weird and gross but it was the best. We would put on our swimming suits and take turns washing and conditioning with Agree shampoo. Wow. Agree....that takes me back too. Anyway, then we would dry off and come inside and watch t.v. for the rest of day or every now and then they would dress me up and put tons of make up on me just for fun. I loved those days. They feel so faint now most of the time since I'm 32 today and I was 5 then. But the one thing that brings them back the hardest and fastest is music. Boston is one of those bands.

I suppose now is the time that these old rockers are going to start dropping off the sphere more and more now that I'm older, but it won't feel less sad I don't think. It's not like I knew the's just that his songs and voice were a wonderful resonant part of my childhood and first introductions to music and how much I loved it.

So I'm going to copy Crabbydad now and post a video that takes me back to those times. It's a little closer to my teen years but still one of my favorites. For years my "play name" was Amanda just so I could pretend this song was about me. And yes I did that with Beth by Kiss as well.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Fall Has Fell!

Oh my god this weather is making me INSANE! I just went outside for about 5 mins and considered not coming back to work. Alas, I was sick this week so I had to. Boring. This is a boring post. (robo voice)

Well I will say this. I am 99% sure that I appreciate nice weather more than anyone.

AND we got our bonus checks today. I'm trying to resist the urge to go online and buy everything ever made. I AM going to hit Anne Taylor Loft after this birthday cake thing in the conf. room and am going to get a shirt that fits. The sweater I'm wearing is molting and too short.

AND I think this week will be the week Jason and I finally get a real life bed! Our futon days are almost over. I hope we don't grow apart from each other due to all the extra room we'll have at night! I doubt it. We'll probably still sleep right in the middle with the two cats at our respective sides but at least we'll be doing it on an actual matress. I predict less insomnia for me and earlier bed times for Jason.

AND....I should be writing a City Guide on Milwaukee right now but I ain't. That's right. I AIN'T!

Love and balmy temps,