Margaret has tagged me to tell six weird things about myself. This is my first game of blog tag and I'm going to try and get it right. It's hard keeping up with this bougey blogging society. Bunch of fancy weirdos.
1. I hate shopping and trying on clothes and avoid it at all costs but I do like having new things. So I impulse buy a lot to get it over with.
2. I love escargot and mussels but get very easily grossed out by chicken. I'll eat it but it better be almost burnt or I get the gags.
3. I have to really talk myself out of feeling emotion about inanimate objects. Like I just got a new cell phone and I ALMOST got teary eyed about taking the SIM card out of the old one. I cry when I sell cars too. I swear I'm not insane I just associate times and people and places with objects sometimes and can't let go. Okay, maybe I spoke too soon on that insane thing.
4. I kinda like the smell of skunk (not on me but in the air), gas (see previous parenthetical comment) and cow manure (again....not air).
5. I've never camped.
6. My third memory is of drinking Lemon Joy out of a bottle in front the sink.
PS - I have some very exciting news. Oh wait...I already told it in item 3. I got a new phone. but guess has a caaaammmmera!!!! This blog is about to come with more pictures! Bad ones, but still. Probably mostly of my cats or bars.
Here's one to get you started.
My adorable tabby Calaban (I call him Calafat, but it doesn't hurt his feelings I swear). Ugh. That pillow looks way dirtier than it is. Still...I need new sheets. Although that blanket rules. One of my best friends made it and on the other side it's supposed to have the word "meow" all over it because I like hearts and cats, but she attached it backwards so the other side says "woem" all over it. We love it.Anyway:
1. I hate shopping and trying on clothes and avoid it at all costs but I do like having new things. So I impulse buy a lot to get it over with.
2. I love escargot and mussels but get very easily grossed out by chicken. I'll eat it but it better be almost burnt or I get the gags.
3. I have to really talk myself out of feeling emotion about inanimate objects. Like I just got a new cell phone and I ALMOST got teary eyed about taking the SIM card out of the old one. I cry when I sell cars too. I swear I'm not insane I just associate times and people and places with objects sometimes and can't let go. Okay, maybe I spoke too soon on that insane thing.
4. I kinda like the smell of skunk (not on me but in the air), gas (see previous parenthetical comment) and cow manure (again....not air).
5. I've never camped.
6. My third memory is of drinking Lemon Joy out of a bottle in front the sink.
PS - I have some very exciting news. Oh wait...I already told it in item 3. I got a new phone. but guess has a caaaammmmera!!!! This blog is about to come with more pictures! Bad ones, but still. Probably mostly of my cats or bars.
Here's one to get you started.