Do you ever go to take a bite of a sandwich and you throat makes a weird sound? It's not a burp but it's not NOT a burp either. A throat burp I guess. A thurp? A broat?
Anyway that just happened because my Subway brand sandwich was made poorly. I think my sandwich artist needs to go back to the Sandwich Art Academy for a few more semesters. Anyway I had to open my mouth wider than usual to get a bite and my throat went "Arrrrrp?" It sounded like a question. The girl next to me actually said "what was that??".
"My throat. Sorry." I replied.
Anyway, when that happens to other people and I get to hear boy does it make me laugh. A few years ago at our friends parents vacay house Jason and I were lying in bed talking about how quiet it was and just as we stopped talking his throat did that. I thought I was never going to be able to stop laughing.
It ALSO happened to my friend Deanna in 8th grade or so. It was a slumber party at her house and all of us were playing "let's hypnotize each other!" We played that game all the time in those days. Anyway, Deanna was sitting on my lap while we watched our friend pretend to be "under" (we all faked it and said scary things and we all pretended to really believe it..that's what made it fun) and Deanna turned to whisper something to me and "guuuuurrrrrrrglllee????" came out. We got yelled at by the hypnotizer and the hypnotizee for laughing too loudly.
Also my sister Kendra thinks this is as funny as I do. We both kind of live for it. But not when it happens to me at work. It makes me feel like a pig.
And finally here is the answer to a question no one asked:
Other things that make me laugh hysterically
hats flying off of heads (I can't even TYPE that without laughing)
things being thrown but then sticking abruptly to a wall or person or something.
Happy Friday!
The word pee, when I see it in type, makes me laugh uncontrollably. It doesn't make me laugh when I hear it, just when I see it it in print.
I just started giggling as I typed this.
hahaha I love it. PEE! Pee.
HAHAHA! This post makes me happy! And not just cause I just drank a box of wine. my bro and I get giggly about a throat sound we make that we call the "mew."
We'll be like:
"so I think that...'herrrr"... we should..."herrrr"...etc etc
i'm glad to see that your sources of amusement haven't evolved since college, because, neither have mine.
do you remember the cheesecake noise at the Unique??
I totally remember the cheesecake noise! It went "cluhhh". hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha
for years I quoted the sentence that proceeded the cheesecake noise, but I'm afraid that as I have continued to breed, I have lost brain cells. I remember the fork movement, and that Holly almost wet her pants. That's all I've got.
The other food-related story I remember most that involved you was at your house, during lunch, when we brought Jake home, and I think we watched All My Children 'Dixie.. I'm alive.. call me. Tad.'
when Jake said...
'no thanks. i'll have noodles. I just love noodles. Plain noodles.'
and then we played 'Slipping Through My Fingers' and you acted it out.
please tell me you still do that.
and your basement was cold, and Marble would freeze mid-stride.
holy crap. Those memories just made me laugh and cry all at once. I have NOT performed Slipping Through My Fingers in years but maybe it's time for a reunion tour. AH and freeze frame Marble the cat! meo...(freeze)
I wonder what ever happened to Jake?
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