Dream from last night.
It started out that typical dream everyone has where I was BACK in college and had forgotten to attend a class for a whole semester so I was flunking. EXCEPT this time instead of Western Religion or Geology it was Jogging Class.
I had my report card in hand and had all A's and B's (just like college! uh right.) and I was pleading with this archetype of a phys ed teacher. She actually looked a lot like Dee from Shear Genius but less friendly (not that I watch that show...I really don't....well once and I hated it.).

Anyway I begged and begged her to let me pass but she said not only did I have to take Jogging over but I had two more semesters of it if I wanted to graduate. I started crying and telling her how much I hated jogging and how I was a really good swimmer and could I PLEASE just swim instead?
Finally she gave in and said "Alright. You can swim. BUT I'm going to put you with toughest swim coach of you life." (which wouldn't be hard since I've never had a swim coach. Water ballet coaches, yes, but I learned to swim naturally at like birth or something cool.
TURNS out she had put me on a reality show called Swim Team! and a bunch of us had/got to stay in this rich gay swim coach's house. He was tough but also caring. Nicer than Gordon Ramsey but not quite as nurturing as Tim Gunn.
My friend Erica was there too (hi Erica!) so I was pretty happy. I kept thinking how much I loved swimming and that four hours of it a day was no big thing to me and that really it might relax me a little.
We all ate together at a big fancy table and slept in a cute screened in porch on little beds. In the morning "coach" started banging on a wall to wake us up and then there was an announcement over a loud speaker that said "Swim Team! You need to awake post haste! It's raining!" and we looked outside and it was pouring into our rooms so we zipped our beds into a tent thingy.
Then one of the girls was being interviewed and she said "Erica is cool but she always wakes up with eyes only for her husband."
Then I woke up to Jason putting his whole hand on my face very gently just for one second in his sleep. I said "thank you!" and that was that.
1 comment:
Just kidding. It was. I am honored that I was a part of it (you've been in a couple of my dreams, too) and that even in your subconscience, I am a loyal and devoted wife.
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