Friday, December 03, 2010

my fortune

I just had a conversation via gchat with one of my oldest and dearest friends. I asked her for a favor...something that would be a help to my family. It wasn't that she said yes that moved me it was how she said yes. Not only was there no hesitation in her reply but there was a joy to it that reduced me to tears. This has happened so much this year. I don't even know where to put it. That feeling of being sad and worried and helpless then having these people...these friends that just say "here you go" and then "what else would help?"

Not to get all George Baily on everyone, but makes me feel so rich and full.

I'm going to find a way to make millions and when I do I'm taking all of you to a warm and pretty place for a month.

1 comment:

stephseef said...

just came over to see if you'd posted - been worried about you this week. how's the cough???

love you. always.
