"I still think this life we have is a gift and we have to try to be happy. I don't know if it's a right or a privilege, an accident or a figment of our imaginations. It's something everyone wants so much. It's everything, Happiness."
-Guy Adkins
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Milestoned part 2
Today is the day I get my first haircut since the big shave of February 2010. "It's just hair....it will grow back" was my mantra. Now here I am with a robust Seinfeld mullet and an appointment to get it cut into something fresh and new. As I watch and wait for my mom's to grow back I realize it's much more than hair. I mean I always knew that but when you are bald as a cue ball you try and trick yourself from feeling the depressarios that come with said baldness. As you watch it grow you feel like it's springtime...that it's healing your body...that you are owning your inner woman again. Just hair or not, it's been quite the journey. Like my Dad said this a.m. "I'm just so glad you have some to cut." You and me both, Papa. Now for my self indulgent trip down baldery lane.
You are so brave and strong... when I'm feeling down about the petty little shit in my life, I read your blog and realize that it ain't nothin' but a thang, baby.
So beautiful! Both you and this post.
You look so wise and strong.
And the Lyle photo made me laugh outloud.
I don't just Love it. I Lyle Lovitt.
isn't that randy travis? i'll love him forever amen.
but not as much as i love you.
The common thread in these photos is the love, power, and tenacity in your eyes. I love it. love it. love it.
WV: oranian
You are so brave and strong... when I'm feeling down about the petty little shit in my life, I read your blog and realize that it ain't nothin' but a thang, baby.
Thank you for that strength and bravery.
what do you mean by depressario.this is for my assignment.Please help. Send me mail or ost it as a comment rkshkrishnan@rediffmail.com.apodysi
um...Rakesh it just means the sads. but I think you might be spam. If not then good luck on the assigment!
Everyone else thanks so much. You are all dear to me and your words these past two years have really been a giant help. Thanks for reading!!!!
It's Randy Travis. but I lyle love you, Erica!
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