THIS GUY!!!!!!
I already packed even. Jerry, a good friend of ours, also won the same trip so he is coming along with his sister. We have started a very hilarious (to us) game via text that I predict will go on for years and years because, folks, this joke has got legs arms and a social security card it's so good.
It started because I guess CeeLo did some lame version of his FU song about firemen. I don't know how it really goes but Jerry sang it with disdain and in a perfect CeeLo voice and I about fell over.
"I see you jumping outta buildings with the people I love and I'm like, Thank youuuuu"
that started it. Here are the rest so far. There will be more. Enough to maybe start a friggin Tumblr even.
Jerry: I see you droppin' stinky loads in your litter box and I'm like Peeewwwww
Crescent: I see you watchin' British capers on PBS and I'm like, honk shooooo
Jerry: There's just so many!
Crescent: I hear ya sayin' there's so many ways to spoof CeeeLo and I'm like, that's truuuuuue
Jerry: I can not wait for March Madness to here, I root for K UUUUUU
Crescent: I heard that Brutus killed that Ceasar on the steps in Rome and I'm like, et tuuuu?
Jerry: Instead of fingers I have wicks at the end of my hands, call me La Foooouuuu (then he realized that's the wrong character and I revoked his Disney privledges for a month)
Crescent: I've got the pollen in my nose and my Flonase it out so I'm like atttchoooo
Jerry: I try to catch all of the chickens on my little farm, I'm gonna pluck
> yoooouuu. (the fact that he put "little farm" made me cry tears of the laughings.)
Crescent: I havin groovy little parties in the seventies and I serve...fonduuuu
Ok. that's all. I had to get them all down somewhere.