Monday, December 05, 2005

The Ballad of Trinculo

wait...wait......let me explain...I have a reason!!! I very much want to write about one of our cats dying last week and his illness before hand. I plan to....NAY....I WILL write all about it. It's got it all.....laughter, tears, tears, revelations, inspirations and one anxiety related barf outside a Currency Exchange. It will be worth the wait...I swear.

But not just yet. I still am a little fragile about the whole thing and I'm tired of crying every time I think about it, for no deeper reason than I have a cold and bawling makes it worse.

so....*sniff*.....stay tuned.....*sob*.....for the story of our sweet tabby, Trinculo, who.......lived a*snort*.....*sob*...see....I'm not ready.

back in a few days.

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