One of my best friend's (pictured above with her little sister) is on her way to say good-bye to her grandpa this weekend. He has Alzheimer's and she got the call from home this morning saying the doctor's said he was starting to shut down pretty rapidly now and would probably pass sometime in the next couple days.
So as I type she is at the beginning of his end.
Everytime I think about the situation and her I feel weird in my stomach and get burny eyes only because I imagine the good-byes are going to be brutal. Still..what an important thing to do if you have the chance, which they do.
She's a rock so I know she'll be there for everyone and they'll be there for her, but I still feel a million miles away and useless which is MY hang up, of course. I think I'll go and keep her kitties company this weekend while she's away.
ugh...poor Anners and family.