But I digress.
I've discovered that when I am forced to deal with math that I become PHYSICALLY tired at the end of that particular day. At my last job I had to do TONS of really difficult accounting stuff that I didn't understand, and I was ALWAYS exhausted.
Now at my new and great job I have to do some very light, but still kind of tough, budgeting work and sure as long division makes me car sick....that little bit of numbering made me sleep like the dead the past two nights.
So here's what I'm wondering. Is the ONE thing in life I loath the most the key to helping me finally get some good sleep, something I LOVE the most?
I understand if you'd like to take a minute and let this all soak in. It's a lot to absorb on a Wednesday afternoon. Get yourself a glass of water and sit a spell. It's okay. My genius makes me dizzy as well.
There....feeling better? Good. Because here's my plan. I'm going to try to do some hard math in my head tonight an hour before bed and see if x=y or all the sides of the triangle divide by...3 or whatever. Dangerous? Definitly. But it JUST might be crazy enough to work........
If my plan is victorious the irony will be delish.
There'll be a new score in town, so called Math.
Numbers = 1
Crescent = 1
which equals.....hold on.....let me get my calculator......
1 comment:
PS - This didn't work at ALL. I really thought it might, but it actually made me super anxious and freaked out trying to mathmatize in my head. So...nevermind.
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