Anyway, he won a fridge, or rather, was rewarded with a fridge from a company we work with. It was for getting a million leads or something. It's a tiny under the desk size fridge that has a hot AND cold setting. He is a soda junkie so he keeps it on cold.
One of the many perks of being his friend AND co-worker is that I get some real estate in this new fridge. I keep three cans of Diet Coke with lime and my snack packs. I always worry about bugging him when I ask for one of my items, but I think he sort of likes it. A few of us have stuff in there and he always seems more than happy to dole out our goods.
I just went over there for a snack pack and he was eating lunch and working at his pewter.
Me: Can I please have a pudding?
Fred: Certainly! (reaches in...grabs Diet Cola and hands it to me)
Me: No...a pudding.
Fred: OH! A pudding! Sorry about that! (hands me a pudding). You have one snack pack remaining, ma'am.
Me: Okay...thank you. (start to walk away)
Fred: That's part of the service here.
I don't know why but it cracked me up. Like he's playing food stand or something. Ma'am? hahahahahaha...it's killing me to recap.
Earlier today he took my chair away from my desk while I was in the bathroom. He does this bi-weekly. When I came back I walked right up to his desk.
Me: Dude. Where's my chair. I have work to do.
Fred: What? I have no idea...honestly. I've been working with this computer problems.
Me: Okay, sorry to bug you.
Two minutes later he instant messages me and says:
Fred: It was me who took your chair by the way. I'm just THAT good of an actor.
This is my work environment. How could I possibly complain.
PS - since we're Fredding it up. While I was writing this entry I got this instant message from Fred.
Fred says:
I want a pet chicken!!
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