Last night I had the strangest dream. I sailed away to China...in a little row boat to find ya. You said you had to get your laundry clean.
Just kidding. That's a song lyric...not a dream. THIS is a dream.
I was doing improv again for one night only in some other state and my entire team (whoever the were since I'm not on an improv team anymore) forgot to show up so it was just me and this other team I'd never met doing an hour long improv show.
I ended up having to start it off with a solo scene so I put on this long blue cape thing and snapped at the light booth. The house lights went down and one lone spot light came up.
I started walking in an X pattern around the stage and finally said in this low voice....
"Attention all Venutians. Before starting today's activities please be reminded that tomorrow is the start of 'Help A Senior Venutian Citizen Week'"
The audience laughed and laughed and I won the respect of all the other performers. Then I blacked out ala Peggy Sue Got Married and woke up after the show to everyone standing around me.
Faceless Performer: "Crescent you had a great show!"
Me: "Thanks but I don't remember anything past the Venutian announcments bit. That always happens when I'm on stage."
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