Anyway, last night, for the first time in YEARS I dreamed about a wild boar again! I was riding in a car with family? friends? strangers? I can't remember for the life of me, but what I DO remember is a giant boar jumping through the windshield and landing on me. I was trying not to panic but was flipping my lid. Someone came in and finally pulled him/her off of me and I woke up. Now where in the Sam Hell did THAT dream come from? Moving stress? Repressed something or other? I don't know, but it sure was scary.
I also dreamed a PERFECT cell phone commercial for t.v. It had a theme song and everything. It took place in a life size doll house made of all steel beams and every member of the family was isolated in their rooms talking on their cell phones in angry tones. The song that played through out was called "One Big Happy Family" but was really punky/metally sounding. It was the coolest. I don't know what demographic that dream phone company was aiming for, but I do know that all the angry punk Barbie's and dysfunctional families out there will be on dream board.
Boar....d. See? Never doubt my ability to bring it all back around.
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