Lost - Best episode ever last night. I had nightmares all night which is the TRUE sign of a great ep.
My new sweater - We almost could have been magic together until I noticed those weird professor elbow patches AFTER I bought you. Now we are icy at best.
My feet - I need some serious tennis shoe time this weekend. My dogs are barking. Painfully barking.
Friday - This is how we do it. All hands are in the aye-ah. It's the freakin weekend ladies and germs. I plan to eat, drink and be awesome.
Jason - Okay. This weird sleep talking/laughing thing has got to stop. It's freaking me out because I can't tell if he's awake or asleep. Usually he's sound asleep. The other night he said "Crescent. You're the village frown." I am not.
Last weekend - My sisters came to town and brought some Stephen King-ian type influenza that struck Kendra down mid-night. We got to my apartment and she kept asking for blankets and Tylenol. So they had to leave at the crack of dawn on Saturday to get her on the bed rest she needed. She's fine now. I have managed to NOT have it yet but every time my throat tingles the leeeetlist bit I freak. With all the vitamins I'm on I think I have a chance. Stay tuned.
OH and I went to the Shedd for the first time because Kendra (middle sister) is a marine life NUT. The best part was the sting ray that looked like he was smiling with his million tiny teeth and closed eyes. I could recall that memory in the middle of a root canal and it would STILL crack me up.
Scariest part of the Shedd????

Okay, it is not just me then. Frogs give me the CREEPS!!!
Holy freaking crap. My BFF, (former roomie on my blog links) is named Kendra.
What the HELL is going on here.
I guess I'll have to write a random-based blog too. what a terrible terrible shame for my totally logical and always not-crazy brain.
p.s. frogs are really creepy. Seen Triplets of Belleville? The frogs in that thing are terrifying.
Whoa that's weird! I know one other Kendra from high school. Your Kendra isn't from Wisco is she?
And I am outlandishly terrified of frogs. Like I could be one of those freak out people on Maury. I haven't seen that movie yet but now I have to just to scare myself. They are like ghosts to me in the way. I love ghost movies but don't want to see one in my face.
man do i love the shedd!!
You'd have a ways to go to beat the lady from Maury who was terrified of pickles. Most ridiculous fear ever.
I was in a show with a girl name Kendra in college. I had a bit of a show-crush on her.
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