Friday, February 15, 2008

Insults and Injuries

I fell down some stairs again. My morning started pretty great besides having nightmares about that horrible school shooting. So disturbing and depressing and horrible. But I woke up counting my blessings and feeling positive about my day. Calaban didn’t drop a football size-nose hair burning deuce while I was watching the 6:00 am news FOR ONCE, I actually did my hair, my clothes were ALL fresh out of the dryer, my face was looking slightly less fatty fat fat after my attempts at good eating and it was Friday after all.

I headed to the train and on the way LITERALLY helped an old lady with a walker get across some dangerous ice patches causing me to miss my train but to feel like I was starting my day off right. Then things started to turn sour. The train took forever to arrive and was packed. I was standing next to some dewd with NO sense of personal space. (I realize it was packed but come on…do we have to spoon?) Finally arrived at the Adams stop and start trotting down the stairs in a rush and that’s when it happened. My boot heel got caught in my jean cuff and I sort of slammed into the railing with my arm and just kinda hung there like someone had freeze tagged me. I thought I might be able to recover but my forward trajectory or whatever that word is was too far forward. I made the slightest move and down down down I went. All the way to the bottom. Those of you long time Crescent fans will recall this is the THIRD time I’ve fallen all the way down the train stop stairs and the FIFTH time I’ve fallen all the way down a flight of stairs period.

No one helped THIS little old lady either. Everyone just got out of my way and I could be wrong, but I really think I heard a few snickers. Bastards.

Then I got to work and instantly F’d up like three things because I was so shaken.

Good times….great oldies.

What, pray tell, is the stupid Brighter Side of falling down the stupid stairs? Um….well…let’s see. It hurts to type and do things because my right arm is all tenderized? No no…..that’s not bright. Um… new clean jeans are all scuffed up? Nope nope nope…that’s not very positive. OH! I’ve got it. Somewhere out there in Chicagoland Matthew K. is laughing it up like a champ and marking his Captain Gravity log with one more tick mark.


Proxy said...


I feel for you. My butt-bone feels for you, too. I once tripped over a house. No joke.

Crescent said...

At first I read "hose" which was funny enough and then when I realized you said "house" I stopped laughing and started wondering if you have the other half of this locket I got from the orphanage.

J said...

I did. Nearly broke my toe. Because all my grace is, like, that inner grace that people talk about....people have inner grace, right???

Also my dog got too excited looking at me and ran into a fence today. Awww...he knows I value attention over his health. That sweet pup.

Crescent said...

Inner grace is actually the only grace that counts and I have no doubt you are loaded with it!