Monday, September 08, 2008

Another trip to Wisconsin

We went to my sister's house for my brother in law's birthday and a belated b-day celebration for Jason.

I took this picture while Jason was listening to a story my dad was telling and think it might be the handsomest picture of Jason I've ever seen.

It's too bad my family doesn't laugh very much.

I love when my mom does that....laughs so hard she clasps her hands in front of her like that. It slays me. It's like when my oldest sister slaps her knee when she's laughing super hard. THAT kills me too. (I don't have a picture of her doing that because she was taking most of these pics). My brother in law was doing his spot on McCain impersonation.
It's ALSO a down right crying shame that Smokey the cat hates bags so much.

1 comment:

Proxy said...

that is a wicked handsome picture, my friend.