Well I actually did a Breast Cancer walk even though I swore I never would. I always thought they were an odd and kind of dumb way to raise money but I was wrong. We raised almost $3500.00. That's a few mammograms!
The walk, itself, was so cathartic for me and just such a great way to spend a morning. There were people there in the throws of cancer...bald heads...canes...sick...but walking. It lifted every cell in my body. Plus being with this group of people that were on my team was just amazing. I would walk quietly for a bit then turn to my left or right and a friend would be walking by my side. We'd talk and the group would mix up and someone would rub my back and it would be Erica or Megan or Gena....then a few mins later an arm would go around my shoulder and it would be Heather or Anne or Morgan. It just meant so much to me. Not just the walk...this whole year has been like that. Every time I turn around one of you are there. I hope my mom has that. I know it was what got me through this year with my spirit, not just in tact, but renewed in way I never knew exisited.
I talked to my mom on the walk and she's having a pretty hard time. Her infection keeps coming back and that on top of chemo is just the worst. I can't wait for her to be on the other side. I keep promising her this side is really great and that it will get better. In the meantime.....ugh. It kills me to know she's so miserable.
Something funny...I thought the walk was 2.2 miles. I SWEAR I saw that specific number on the info I received but it was a 5 mile walk. It was really easy and fun but I find it hilarious that when I found out it was FIVE whole miles I almost had a panic attack. It's good to know I can handle walking that far without passing out. I'm probably ready for a marathon now. Those are easy, right?
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