Did I mention Jason won us a trip to Italy? Or earned I should say. He sold a scrillion bottles of wine and the owner of the winery is rewarding him with a trip. to....ITALY. I'm so excited I could barf.
I'm trying to learn some basic Italian but the only phrase I can remember is "me chiamo...Crescent". My name is Crescent. I told Jason I'm going to say that at the end of every interaction like a catch phrase.
"No hablo Italiano....do you have many noodles? Me chiamo....Crescent."
"Scoozie....do you have Rolaids for sale? Consumame many noodles. Me chiamo...Crescent."
Also on the itinerary (which was all in Italian) I realized I was listed as Mr. Crescent Prah. We had it changed but the other night we were talking in bed when J got home from work and he said "So...we will arrive in Italy the day before??" and I laughed and said "No honey. We don't travel back in time." and he said "you better stay fresh* or I'm gonna take MR. Crescent Prah instead of you." Gave me the giggles something fierce.
The goocher is that when I went to England for semester abroad in college my train pass said "Mr. Crescent Allen".
Imagine if I was a dude named Crescent. I would be a weirdo. Gauranteed. Lucky for everyone I'm a lady weirdo which is much easier to deal with.
*Fresh in Jason speak means everything from cool to polite to weird. In this instance he meant it as not a smart ass.
AAAH! I love you!
I am SO excited for your trip!
I wish you blogged every day, because you are so hilarious!!!
I'm going to try and post more because you are right. I'm SUPER duper hilarious. hahahah
but seriously, you are sweet to say that and I love you right back!
Mr. Crescent Prah
Dear Mr. Prah,
Please blog more. This killed me.
mi chiamo Mr. Martens.
Mucho jealousoh. Have a blast!
Word Verification: entanate
(sounds very Italian, no??)
I'm also on the Mr. Crescent Prah blogging train. MORE MORE MORE!
I'm so happy you're going to Italy, usually I get very jealous in these situations, but not this time! I'm just so happy for you guys!
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