First of all.....I dreamed I was possessed again. This time I was yelling and making these horrible scary devil noises out of my mouth and then someone gave me a picture of my dad and I burped really loudly and knew that I was gonna be okay. I wonder if I burped in real life. Leave it to me to be a sleep burper. Later in the dream my middle sister was confronted and bitten by a skunk. I just watch too much TV I think. That's literally all I did yesterday so I'm sure something reminded my subconscious of a skunk and Emily Rose again. YEP got it. I started watching the 1977 supernatural thriller, Audrey Rose. The actress who plays the title role bugged the living crap out of me so I watched Dutch instead.
But more than anything it's this damn heat. (I said that in a Charles Heston type voice and it made me laugh inside). We have an a/c unit, but it's not like the kind that makes your apt. feel like Alaska. It makes it MUCH better than it is outside but it's still too warm for my Wisco blood.
We kept having brown outs yesterday (that's when the power goes almost off but stays on just enough to make everything look and sound exactly how the heat makes you feel...sluggish, unreliable and dim). At first it only affected our kitchen so the a/c was still working but then right after Jason left for his wine tasting group EVERYTHING went out. I gasped and said a swear and then sat on my couch totally still with my hands on my lap in the silence wondering how long the power would be out. I was less nervous about not having our a/c or fan working and more concerned about how high I would jump when everything whirred back on. I hate that feeling....knowing I'm going to be startled.
It came back on about 4 minutes later and I did jump as predicted. Everything worked better then it had all day at that point. EXCEPT.........the cable. Which is STILL out. I watched a whole season of What's Happening on DVD and finally just went to bed.
maybe as a no cable having treat to myself I'll pick up Good Times season 1 on the way home.
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