Monday, February 26, 2007

It's My Turn....Though I Don't Have All The Answers....

Sigh. I need to purchase Mahogany. That movie really does it for me. Or at least the soundtrack.

So today feels oddly important to me. First off, it's the last night of Impress These Apes and even though I'm probably going to remain in last place I have learned so much and really have had a fun time. I needed to get back on stage a little. It fills something up inside me that normally is empty.

I'm going into tonight relaxed and happy with my final act. It will be a good night I think.

Also, I just had my annual review and talked very openly with my boss about moving forward as a writer here. He was so supportive and really shook off some of my hesitation about just diving in and moving forward.

AND I've finally started my exercise routine again and have lost 4 more lbs. I'm ready to kick that in the ass too. I'm not going into this summer feeling horrible about myself. No way. I'm done with that.

All of these things together and separate have created this perfect storm of motivation and confidence that I really haven't ever had. I tend to be a little too meek and mild for my own good when it comes to changing my life. I'll do it, but the no guarantee thing always makes me nervous in the service. But honestly...I feel like I'm outgrowing that need for certainty. I think I'm ready to just get stuff done and not hold myself back so much.

This very well may be the lamest post ever. Sorry. I just needed to get that all out somewhere.


1 comment:

Dan Telfer said...

Go go power Crescent!