Friday, February 02, 2007

Sleep Numbers

Jason got home really late from work last night and came right to bed. The conversations we have as we are falling asleep are so funny to me and some of my favorite moments of my day.
Last night went like this:

Jason: Dude...I had a really great time with you the past two nights (his nights off of work).
Me: Me too was lovely.
Jason: I'm scared I'm not tired. I need Mr. Monster in here. (that's what he calls one of our cats) Oh Mr. MONSTER.....Come in here dude......(cat comes in and of course sits on MY shoulder with his butt towards my face and his tail hitting me in the mouth every two seconds.)
Me: Jason...this isn't comfortable.
Jason: But he loves you! Listen to how hard he's purring!
(I roll over and the cat leaves)
Jason: Way to go!
Me: I'm sorry but my back gets sore sleeping on this stupid futon enough without an 800 pound cat on me too.
Jason: My sleep number is four. (except he likes to say that word "fewor" for some reason. it cracks him up.)
Me: We don't have sleep numbers J.
Jason: My sleep number is feworty fewor.
Me: If we ever end up on a game show where they seperate us and then ask what the other person's favorite number is we will totally win because I KNOW yours with be 44.
Jason: Or fewor.
Me: We'd better decide now.
Jason: Just fewor I think. What is your favorite number?
Me: Eight.
Jason: WHAT???! No way.
Me: Yes..that is my favorite number.
Jason: I know why.
Me: Why?
Jason: Because it goes around and around and around and around.
Me: That's right. And 3 is my second favorite number because it's half of that.


Jason: I don't even know you anymewor.

1 comment:

Dan Telfer said...

Hey there, it's been too long! Great job last Monday. You're freaking fantastic.