Thursday, January 25, 2007


My was....SPOT ON! I'm in shock that I was right about something for once.
So last night, three of my dearest friends came over and helped me and Jason FINALLY get our new apartment cleaned and organized and even.....brace yourself...decorated! It looks soooo great! I've actually never lived in such a great looking place unless you count my parents house which is REALLY great looking.

Anyway, I was dreading it and it ended up being a fun time! Jason played some great CD's and we sang and drank good wine and ate good pizza. All the while whipping that pad into some serious shape. I meant to take pictures but I think I went blind from glee.

I am now running on almost empty since I couldn't sleep the night before last due to my basic insomnia and worry over getting the apartment done and then I couldn't sleep last night because I was so excited.

I feel like a new person today. I can't wait to go home tonight and watch Angel, Season 2 in my clean and cozy home!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....i'm still a little wound up.

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