I feel very weird. I haven't been without a job in years and even then I was such a different person that I don't even really remember how I coped. If I recall correctly it was....well....poorly.
This time I have my head on straight(ish) and really wonderful and supportive friends and family. I wasn't fired so there's no bad blood or punch to the ego. None the less I still just feel really weird. Hixx (who recently went through the same thing) said that this is normal and will balance out. She also told me to rebel a little and I think that's good advice and makes me feel enpowered even if I don't totally know how to go about it.
Anyway, here was my day in a nutshell....or pictureshell.
Went to apply for unemployment for the first time in life only to find it's on a maintence break. Hmmmm I wonder what is going on BEHIND my computer. (when you hear the ding....turn the page to find out!)

It's Calaban! He was hiding. Awww. I better rub his ears and belly for an hour or so.

DING! He's still there! Maybe he would like an ice cube and some lap time.

DING! Having one bloody mary while I watch Arrested Development is okay. It is!

Having two bloody mary's while watching Wife Swap is totally acceptable. It is! Stop looking at me like that.
DING! Jason's home! Thank GOD. I can talk outside of my head now. That's a load off. Hi Jason! How was your day? What are you doing? What's that you're making? Pork chops? Great! Can you make mine extra salty and garlicly? What's that you say? You AREN'T going out tonight? That's great! We can play cards right here!!!! Why are you crying? What do you MEAN "personal space"? Anyway, I have 62 hours of America's Funniest Home Vids on the DVR! Let's cuddle! Do you have wine? Stop crying!
Good Luck. Send me a resume if you're looking to enter the exciting world of Futures Commodity Brokerage. If we start hiring, I'll put it right on top.
Do you have Guitar Hero? I used my time while unemployed to work on my fake guitar skills.
Oh my goodness. That is right similar to this house.
You're going to be okay. I promise.
Let's start a band...
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