Thursday, January 14, 2010

My cocktail

I'm posting this to just have it for my own resource but also for anyone who is curious. I find that the more I read up the less freaked I feel (most times....some days I want to run to Mexico and live in a tree, never to be found again).

These are the three drugs I'll be getting in my chemo. The last one is the one that is being used in the clinical trial to find out if it helps stop breast (breat) cancer from coming back. I'm a perfect candidate because of my age (35), my tumor size before removal (2 cm) and my specific cancer (stage II invasive ductile cell carcenoma, HER2 neg (human epidermal growth factor receptor negative) meaning I don't carry the gene and estrogen receptor postive meaning it is hormone based.

Lots of info I know, but knowledge is power, if you will pardon the cliche'. (this is the trial drug)

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

no crescent. Her not too neg... her too pos!!!!

sorry i couldn't resist. love you!

see you tuesday!!!