Friday, January 29, 2010

Keeping It Together

So I'm very tired today which is normal and not a big deal but I find when I'm tired I'm a little less resilient. Anyway, I was starting to feel kind of freaky anxious about the hair fall out (hasn't happened yet but will soon). BUT then I thought the following thought:

Remember that day in the surgeon's office with Jason? That feeling of how much lay ahead and how terrifying it all was. The tests, the tests and the more tests? The surgery day and the recovery? The blood clot in my armpit that felt like I was being shot in said armpit every five minutes? The three week wait to find out if I had to have chemo or not? The build up to that first treatment? All of that is done. DONE! It's part of the story now. Waiting for my hair to go is the last big scary thing and it doesn't hurt and will grow back. I can handle it. I can handle it.

Thank you brain.


Mikaela said...

that is awesome cres! that is a huge step emotionally, to be able to see the past and be ok with the future. good work girl. love you!

Joseph Rynkiewicz said...

You can handle it, Crescent. I admire you so much and love you both deeply.

Plus, your wigs are fuckin' sassy as hell.

Crescent said...

Thanks guys. I love you too!