Look we winter grilled last night. We are trying to force the spring issue in the Prah family.
Great weekend. Had tons of fun with my brother-in-law, Jeffrey. He goes by Jeff but I like calling him Jeffrey. Makes me feel like a big sister.
AND I got to spend my Saturday with one of my oldest and dearest friends, Julie. We have been best friends since about 1985. 1985!!!! That's nuts. She's an inspiration and a blast to be around. I wish she still lived up the street.
So yeah...tomorrow is treatment three. I would be lying like a rug if I said I wasn't totally nervous about it after the last time. But I think they have it figured out so I won't have the reaction again, and regardless they are giving me more sedatives in my drip so I have a feeling my nerves will be gone pretty quickly.
The funny thing is that I have started looking forward to my treatment days ONLY because Jason and I get a whole day together just the two of us. It's twisted but true. I like that we have our little traditions like stopping at Starbucks for coffees and bagels. That we listen to upbeat classic rock, usually, on the drive so things don't feel too heavy. That we pack my pink backpack with movies and our DVD player and granola bars the night before. I'm like my dad that way though, I enjoy a good hunker down. I used to be able to see the sheer joy in my dad's eyes when there was a tornado warning and we were all home. He'd get the TV all set up in the basement and we'd have iced tea or something....it just became cozy and fun somehow. Even though it was...you know...A TORNADO WARNING!
It's not a bad way to get through stuff though. Hunker down with people you love and watch some DVDs until the storm passes.
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