I've been joking that this picture (taken by my brother-in-law at my last treatment) should be the cover of Cancer Today Magazine. Not that there is one but there should be! Or Cancer Havers! or Cosmocancertin.
Anywayyyyy I am feeling great. Great great great. That horrible fog in my head from the chemo has lifted and I feel vibrant again. Like my laugh sounds more like my own and my emotions feel more....feely. It rules. I can't even believe I'm to this point.
I keep having these moments where everything lands on me all of a sudden and I feel like screaming and crying and break dancing and high kicking and eating with my mouth wide open right in someone's ear and punching walls and laughing like a lunatic all at once.
I had my first Avastin treatment Tuesday and I was nervous. I mean I've been getting Avastin the whole time with the chemo but I got it in my head that it might make me feel sick again. It didn't! Not at all! It was easy like a Sunday morning. I will get "infused" with that drug every three weeks until January 11th or so.
I start radiation on Tuesday. That is going to be a giant pain in the A but 6.5 weeks goes by really fast in the grand scheme of things. I will go every week day but it only takes about 30 minutes. I'm hoping not to have too many side effects (god...how those words have entered my vernacular sackular this year...side effects side effects side effects...terrible words).
The best news of the day is that my hair is already starting to thicken up. I would say by August I will be able to comfortably go wig and scarf free. Fantastic fantastic.
I have a little naggy fear that I imagine will never go away from all this. Side effect. Will it come back? Will someone I love get it? Will I take enough from it? and so forth. Seems normal to me so I'm not going to worry about it at this juncture. Wouldn't be prudent.
That's right. I just did a G-Dub Senior/circa 89 Dana Carvey joke. I'm back, ladies and germs.
All of this is so awesome. I dub thee Hope-Queen of Awesomesauce.
Oh, Crescent. I love you so much.
"I forget that Buddhists can have fun and frolic."
awesome. perfect and awesome!
definitely NOT @ this juncture. It would NOT be prudent. That statement reminds me of our parents. Thanks for being you. I love ya CT, H
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