So I'm declaring another holiday. Just go with it. I have more power than you know so you best hop on board.
Okay I had a horrible nachtmare about my upcoming "deep teeth and gum cleaning". It was terrible. Some random guy from a dental school was brought in to do it and had no idea how to! I woke up extra nervous about next Tuesday. BUT I decided to declare it Bravery Week and I'm going to do a couple things I've been putting off in honor of the holiday. I figure if I can get through the *shiver* gum scaling I can do a few other things that have been weighing on my mind for...oh the past three years. Nothing major, just some financial stuff I've ignored for too long.
So I encourage you all to join in and do at least ONE thing you've been putting off due to fear or something next week. Let's all celebrate a holiday I made up!!!! If you are so inclined post your brave deed in my comments!
Calaban gives it one leg up!!!! HI YA!!!!