Friday, March 21, 2008

Snowbody Knows....

...the blizzard I've seen.....snowbody knows my sorrow....

Just kidding. I can deal with this late season blizz because it's winter's swan song. Mark my words.

The man and I are heading up to Wisco this weekend for not only Easter but also for my sister's 40th b-day. Should be a fun weekend of lots of food, drinks and laughing at inappropriate things.

Have a safe and happy weekend everyone!!!!!


wafelenbak said...

Hoppy Easter!
Is that a tiny little Crescent I spy? So cute!

Proxy said...

My pup loved the snow, but he consoled me as well. It was pretty sad and evil to do such weathery things before Easter. Mother nature is a cunt.

Dan Telfer said...

God that picture is hilarious!