Thursday, March 13, 2008


I leave at the B-crack of dawn tomorrow for my girl's weekend in Phoenix! It's going to be me and three of my best friends from high school. We always talked about one day being married and scattered across the country but then taking this trip together and we are actually doing it! How cool is that!? Answer - very. Very GD cool.

One of said girls left me a voicemail last night saying how she couldn't wait to see me in a mere 42 hours and how excited she was. I usually feel this way but it was one of those moments where I thought, you know I've screwed up a lot but one thing that I've done right is made friends. I have such amazingly amazing friends and to have them really be excited to see me just makes my life because I'm sooooo excited to see them too.

I will report back on Monday with pics and stories I'm sure.

All that you really need to know is that the resort has a 110 foot water slide. Come on. It's like a dream for me.

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