Remember that song in The Cutting Edge in the scene after he turns her down because she's too drunk and he says "Not like this" and she says "not like what? Not like ME? In case you hadn't noticed I'm THROWING myself at you!"
Then in the next scene he's drinking from tiny bottles on his bed and that song "I got dreams....dreams to remember...." is playing in the back. Then the trampy other ice skating girl comes over.
Anyway, this has nothing to do with that. I just like thinking about that movie sometimes. Plus I know Stephie will know what I'm talking about. Hi Steph!!!!
MY dream last night was that I'd had my first treatment but didn't remember it. I woke up (in the dream) to pee and evaluated how I felt and realized I only felt kind of swimmy and dizzy. I was so relieved in the dream. I know I won't get off that lucky but it was still nice and hopeful.
Also I like that my mind is working on keeping me calm even when I'm sleeping. I had a little freak out last night for a few minutes worrying about it all but I just decided not to focus on that and enjoy the best night of TV ever. Two 30 Rocks? That ruled.
My week has stayed good. I made my wig consultation appointment, I am joining Gilda's Club for yoga and support, I have read up on every single drug that is going into my body and now tonight I get to have a birthday dinner (hers...not mine) with my sister and my brother in law. I can't wait.
Feeling the love,
PS - how wonderful are my friends?
it's them.....'s them......'s them...........'s USSSSSSS.......
WV- gonome. eew.
Ohhh...I love that movie too and know and love that sceen. I think I might add it to Netflix right now. kisses. Julie
Love it too!!
Great to see Jacey and Jon...the guy with no ponytails. :) LOVE YOU!
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