Quite a day at the hospital! Everything was going great and I was in high spirits when bam! Anaphylactic shock! I guess because they took me off one type of steroids and the drip was a little faster is why it happened. It was terrifying though. For me and for Jason. We had just put in a movie (Taking Woodstock....Jason loved it but I hardly remember it) when I was totally overcome with the need to barf. I didn't but called out to the nurses "I'm going to throw up I think!" and Jason jumped up and they ran over and then my chest closed up and I couldn't breath. THEN according to Jason and the nurses my face turned so red it was almost purple. They took me off the drip and got my oncologist in there asap. She had them flush me out with saline and then add some lorazapan to the mix (heaven) and more Benadryl (double heaven). I then came around and was okay but very doped up.
So they had to wait almost an hour to try the meds again so the day went from a 4.5 hour day to an 8.5 hour day. But we made it. Jason was so scared but so great. He has been in power nurse mode ever since. Taking my temp....asking me detailed questions about my stomach happenings....patting my knee and telling me he loves me a lot. Good stuff. I feel safe under his care, that's for sure.
I'm back at work today and feeling okay. My mouth is already acting up but that's part of the drill. Otherwise feeling pretty sharp all things considered.
I took this pic of the escalator to the cafeteria again but going UP this time to remind me how far I've come. Only four more treatments of the rough stuff. Then only six more of the easy stuff. Then radiation...no sweat. Then hormone blockers....will deal with those.

Here was our great view of the storm from my chemo chair yesterday.

This was taken before the allergic reaction from hell but still sums up my basic feelings on it all. So far....so okay. Nothing I can't tackle with the love and help of my family and friends.

I want to be like you when I grow up. You are truly amazing! How did you get like that? Upbringing, drugs, love? I want some of that because I sweat the small stuff like finding another job while you're dealing with the big stuff with total grace and faith. Keep up the great attitude and I hope you feel OK today.
You're a trooper, as mom would say. I love you honey & I ABSO-FRIGGIN-LUTELY LOVE THIS photo of u in the blue sweater-4 real, that pic IS THE SHIT!!!!!
Your mouth is acting up? As in...you can't stop being sassy?
I am honestly blown away by how lovely you are.
Brad, my mouth never STOPS the sass!
I am catching up onyour blog this morning and can really feel your pain and spunky strength. You deserve a gold medal and instead of the national anthem, the Joni Mitchell song could play at the award ceremony!! Thanks for Sharing your amazing journey - pain and giggles.Bonnie
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