Friday, June 25, 2010

My Leftness

No I'm not talking political I right people??? (leans on mic stand...snaps rainbow suspenders) but seriously folks...what IS the deal with ugg boots?

Anyway, My Leftness is my new term for my area that is being radiated. It includes my breast, obviously, otherwise I would have been diagnosed with blank cancer. It also includes my arm pit and collar area, etc. Anyway, it hurts inside! I can tell it's cooking. It doesn't burn but it feels like I have a bunch of cut up muscles in my boob. Horrible sounding I know but it isn't. It only hurts when I bump it....solution? Don't bump it! I protect it like a ming vahhhhhze. ming. hahahhaha

I've started talking to my leftness too. In my head I keep saying, "Leftness...when all of this is over I'm going to take you out for a nice seafood dinner and maybe see a movie. Hop over to the Poconos for a long weekend just the two of us. Sumthin real nice, baby."

I'm not sure why I'm a bad Italian stereo type mafia husband in this senario but i'mma gonna run wit it.

Time to go eat a steak with my husband in the yard.

Love and pizza pies,


steph seefeldt said...

the thing i love the most about your blog right now is that the header quote is attributed both to Guy Adkins AND Dwight Schrute. Is there a better duo in all the world?

I loves your leftness.


WV: allikin

'no more sickies! i've had allikin take!'

Crescent said...

hahahahah I fixed that little glitch but it WAS a great pairing for sure.