- Worked out and finished my book
- Sitting outside while Jason grilled chicken and veggies
- Made amends with a neighbor we pissed off months ago by "SHOUTing".
- Pet a dog.
- Both cats were snuggly.
- Harvy Pekar was on No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain
- Jason sang a great song while he cooked that contained the lyric "Ohhhhh Aunt Jamima...I don't think you know me anymewwwr." He meant Mrs. Butterworth I think because he sang this as he added syrup to the beans, which was a delicious touch.
- I still don't know what I'm going to do with my life but at least I decided to do something. I hear that's the first step or whatever.
- Also it's been over two weeks since I've engaged in my worst social habit so I know I can do stuff. That's heartening.
- I've narrowed my career path down to: Detective, Advice Columnist, Date Planner, Set Dresser/Art Director of Photo Shoots Like Jay from ANTM but with Less Make-Up and More Normal EyeBrows, Professional Back Patter, Housecat, Plus Sized Model, Blooper Reviewer orrrr Body Language Interpreter.
Here is a sample of my Art Direction. Matt K. was the chef and my assistant.
I call it......Salsa De La Mango or Cucumber Envy
Side Note: That jalapeno got on Jason's hands and then on his face and then on his contacts so he almost burned out his eyes. He had to get all new contacts. Fact.