I'm not feeling quiet so "on the ledge" as I was yesterday thanks to some small happy things. BULLETS!!!!!
- Worked out and finished my book
- Sitting outside while Jason grilled chicken and veggies
- Made amends with a neighbor we pissed off months ago by "SHOUTing".
- Pet a dog.
- Both cats were snuggly.
- Harvy Pekar was on No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain
- Jason sang a great song while he cooked that contained the lyric "Ohhhhh Aunt Jamima...I don't think you know me anymewwwr." He meant Mrs. Butterworth I think because he sang this as he added syrup to the beans, which was a delicious touch.
- I still don't know what I'm going to do with my life but at least I decided to do something. I hear that's the first step or whatever.
- Also it's been over two weeks since I've engaged in my worst social habit so I know I can do stuff. That's heartening.
- I've narrowed my career path down to: Detective, Advice Columnist, Date Planner, Set Dresser/Art Director of Photo Shoots Like Jay from ANTM but with Less Make-Up and More Normal EyeBrows, Professional Back Patter, Housecat, Plus Sized Model, Blooper Reviewer orrrr Body Language Interpreter.
Here is a sample of my Art Direction. Matt K. was the chef and my assistant.
I call it......Salsa De La Mango or Cucumber Envy

1 comment:
You would be an excellent housecat, Crescent. :)
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