For real yo. I'm way cranky today because it was just that great that today HAS to totally blow by comparison. We had such a great weekend starting on Friday all the way through last night. Friday we did some serious Guitar Hero 80's jamming at Fred's. Then Gena and Sat showed up and Sat
fronched the dog.
Saturday was Jason's b-day so we had a cook-out beach party. It was a blast. Except for Tyler. He almost ruined it with his GD Popsicle antics. Just kidding. Everyone was a pleasure.
Most importantly Jason had a blast. Just watching him play washers and grill hot dogs and throw the Frisbee made my summer. That boy loves a beach cook-out more than anyone I've ever had the luck to know. He was getting ready before we left and he said "I think today calls for my World's Greatest Grandpa t-shirt!" It actually says "This Is What A Great Grandpa Looks Like" and it's MY shirt but it was his birthday so I silently decided he could just have it. Then he couldn't decide between his signature railroad hat or his new Cubs hat. I reminded him that the railroad hat was, indeed, his signature and he agreed that was the best choice.
He slays me.
Anyway, here are some pics Gena took at the party. They are better than my cell phone pics so I'm stealing them.
Here is the birthday boy looking at some corn so good it might make him cry. I swear he was smiling like a goofball right before this, because that is NOT what a great grandpa looks like.
Fred & Sat. It appears Sat is asking for more corn. Fred appears to be rejecting his request.
Tyler & Fred. Fred only makes trades with others who are wearing striped shirts.
Gena & Sat are the only smarty pants that thought to bring an umbrella. Show offs.
Then yesterday Jason and I stayed home all day and I cleaned the living hell out of my apt. It felt so good. I even washed rugs. I realize normal people do this all the time but for me it was a great accomplishment. Then we got cleaned up and went to a SUPER delicious bistro and ate super delicious food. Then we came home and enjoyed our clean new apartment and went to sleep.
Now I'm mad because of work. And because I'm a damn whippet again. That is a test to see if you really read my blog every day or not. If you do then you know how much I hate being a whippit.
Ack! that sounds like so much fun. I'm sorry I missed it!
Apes is taking over my life! But i love looking at your pictures! YAY!
i look pretty stoked in that picture.
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