"I still think this life we have is a gift and we have to try to be happy. I don't know if it's a right or a privilege, an accident or a figment of our imaginations. It's something everyone wants so much. It's everything, Happiness." -Guy Adkins
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Hump it UP.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Surly and Pinchy

Monday, April 28, 2008
Weak N Duh.
I had the bright idea to try and spit into the grill while Jason and Matt were waiting for the coals to heat up but then chickened out and made Anne do it. It was as sizzly and great as I'd hoped. And grossed out the guys which was goal number 2.

Saturday - Gannon's for beer and bloodys with Jason. Then home for some major nap time with Calaban. Again...when will this cat get the stick out of his ass and learn to relax a little bit! GOD! Look how uptight he is?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Happy Admins Day Everyone!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Diamond Fortune You Say?
The intruder then grabbed a pen (I was assuming he was going to stab me with that) and started to back me into the corner of my dining room. It was all totally movie style with me falling backward into shelves and loudly knocking stuff over. So finally I'm crouched against a wall and he takes off his sky mask (so cliche', I know) and then starts taking off his coat and underneath is a suit! He's a lawyer! He says "Relax! I'm just hear to get your signature on this diamond fortune you've inherited!" and sure enough he was on the level. He had the papers and the diamonds in a wine box.
I was so relieved. I really wasn't up for another nightmare after the "hee hee ghost lady" from two nights ago. There's really not much to tell about that one except that all the lights in my apartment were out and as I walked by the bedroom door I heard a really creepy woman's voice singing/saying "heeee heeee heeeeee". Scared the crap out of me. I woke up with a goosebump suit on.
I don't think I have any pictures for today. I meant to take a pic of the steaks Jason made last night, but again, too hungry.
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Sunday to Beat All Sundays

Anne and Matt picked us up and we had about 1.5 hours in the car to kill. (I mean killing time...not animals or people or anything....after this horrible shooty weekend I felt I needed to qualify). We started discussing what we might see in the show that night and came up with the greatest game of all time.
Musical Theater Cliche' Squares (pronounced Squahz!)
We ended up with a pretty complex points system and had side bets on ticket prices and what not. Essentially all we needed were the basics. We all had 9 squahz to fill out. We did this silently and then compared notes. Most of us had things like "presenting hands" and/or "jazz hands" but then all of us ended up with some really wonderful goochers that were unique to each of us.
Here is my squah.
I was able to cross off everything except for Russians (the dance move OR the people....hey wait....does the Fiddler solo count????). Jason won, of course. He even was able to cross out "Military based monologue". He also was the first to complete a row AND the SECOND to cross something off. It all happened pretty quickly. I walked in (we were late) and while we were waiting for the guys to park I peeped in and saw a longing eye hand holdy duet! Matt and I had to excuse ourselves to the lobby for a second when the minute we all walked into the theater together Jason exclaimed via loud whisper "BAD ACCENT!" and crossed it off his game board. Another highlight was Anne almost dying of the giggles at, what Jason calls, candalography during a Phantom Medley. She said it less Phantom and more Star Wars and at the end of Christine's solo she said "So is she a Jedi yet?".
I must say...you have to try this. Jason said as we started the long drive home at midnight (after beers with our friend in the sickest Days Inn hotel room EVER) "Man. I bet this makes us see a LOT more theater."
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Work Pile!

Last night I had a nice little happy hour with two good friends. Two very smart women who are experts at interesting conversation and making me laugh.
What else.....hmmm...the other night I dreamed I was taking Indian Classes. That's what they were called. The consisted of going to this super tall, bald, gay guy's apartment and doing some weird very light aerobics and tai chi and then he'd ask me questions at the end. Questions like; "What do you do when someone asks you for the truth?" and I'd answer "tell them" and then he said I was a natural and moved me to the advanced class and asked me to remember to bring $1.75 next week. Totally worth it. That was a great Indian Class.
Friday, April 11, 2008

ANOTHER of the best meals I've had in a long time was the night before at Matt (pictured cheering on the Cubbies) and Anne's! Matt made an amazing vodka tomato sauce with a pasta I've never had before. They look like ruffley trumpets.
So in conclusion, I've had TWO life changing meals this week both cooked by boys.
Jason's First Meatball

See what I mean about the giggling? I gave him a simple direction...."Hold the spoon to your mouth and look sexy while making sure the cook book is held right and don't let the towel fall off your shoulder".

See? He's almost giggling again in my very important sepia art pic!

Thursday, April 10, 2008
The Art of Jason

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Tuesday, April 08, 2008
mood swing.
1. Delivery Notification Dear Customer, This is in response to your request for delivery information concerning the shipment listed below.
Tracking Number:
1.30 Lbs
Shipped/Billed On:
Delivered On:
04/08/2008 2:10 P.M.
Delivered To:
Signed By:
2. via instant message "You are seriously the best friend ever."
Those two minor things took the edge off and then some.
that is all. i'm going home to have an awkward first date with my new phone.
My Evil Twin.

1. Hormones. I'm truly hoping this is MOST of the issue and that is passes today sometime and I get back to my positive outlook self.
2. Money. I think this might be most of it maybe. I'm just so sick of taking a step forward then falling like a canyon's worth backwards. Will it EVER be easier? It really doesn't seem like it.
3. Fat.
4. I miss my new phone that I haven't even met yet. It's been delivered to my apartment TWICE but no one has been there to get it. I just WANT IT!@!!!!!! GOD!!!!
5. People telling me what to do. Now this is a tough one because my entire JOB is based on me doing what I'm asked but I'm in no mood for it I tells ya....NO mood.
6. My own stupid self! I'm so annoyed with how snippy and mean I feel that I wish I could send myself on an errand for like three days just to get a break from myself.
7. The disgusting salad I ate like two bites of for lunch. Stupid Quiznos and stupid me for not listening to Hixx and John! http://chicagosaladdaze.blogspot.com/2007/07/quiznos-classic-cobb.html
Okay that's a little better. Sometimes I just need to list shit out to get perspective. That's right I just swore in my blog. This is the new angry for no reason me. Hopefully she'll go the frig away by tomorrow because this is the craps.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Noodles & Bus Rides & Hot Tubs

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Wait...I take two things back.
TWO...my face does kind of hurt sort of badly now....but only when I smile or open my mouth so I can live with that.
Here's to facing things and all things face.
So tonight I'm going to go to a beer tasting. Maybe I will be brave there and try something dark and bitter even though I'm feeling a little light.
Does your face hurt? Cuz it's killing me!!!!

Here are my delicous snails.

It's a shame that Calaban is so uptight and doesn't know how to relax.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
I will report back tomorrow on the horrors of gum scaling.