I'm kind of a zombie today (slow moving "BRRRAINS" kind of zombie not super fast eat your face kind of zombie so don't be too scared. You have time to get away as long as you stretch first).
I will just catch you up via pictures. Also my phone has died forever so if you were trying to call or text me this weekend it just went into the strange abyss that is what we are now calling my DOS Phone. Because all that shows up on the screen is this weird robo DOS looking writing that says "Boot Loader". You heard me. And don't tell me how to fix it or to call t-mobile. I did all this. No one understands what illness has taken my young phone in her salad days but God is a mystery. His is not mine to question.
SoooooOOOooooo a new phone is on the way and should be here by tomorrow so I'll feel more myself then, maybe.
anyway, pictures.....tell my stories please.
Easter Sunday. Left to right. Brother-in-law, me, middle sister's boyfriend, middle sister, oldest sister, husband. It was snowing but you can't tell. There's nothing like hot tubbing in a snow storm. That sounded sarcastic but I really mean it. Again...that's just my zombie 'tude shining through.

This is from Saturday. My Dad's b-day part at Two Lakes. The world's most awesome Italian Supper Club in a small town in central Wisconsin EVER! We've been going there since I was a baby and I will love it like kitten until I am no more. It's so great. You have to wear BIBS! Come on. So up my ally. Look at that relish tray! That's just the beginning! Sadly the Two Lakes have actually dried up. I just noticed that on Saturday when I started to get all nostalgic about walking down to the lakes with my godsister and then looked for said lakes. They weren't there. I'm over in the corner with the bib between my dad and nephew. In case you are playing Where's Waldo with me.

THREE swim suit pics in ONE post? Hold on to your pants everyone, it's going to be a chubby ride. Anyway, this is me after shooting down the water slide in Arizona. I was the only one who was cool enough (read: immature enough) to actually make use of the water slide. It was freezing water but come on....water slide. 
Here we all are in Arizona. By the pool. *sniff* I wish I could relive that weekend again this very instant. It was so fun and warm and hilarious. Also those sunglasses already bit the dust. I can't have nice things.

I don't agree with you, but this quote made me pee my pants laughing. Well, I started to pee my pants from laughing, but then I had just gotten into a good moment, so I continued. To pee. You know?
"Hold on to your pants everyone, it's going to be a chubby ride."
Crescent, you look so great and happy! What fun. :)
I am a zombie today too. I think I have nice weather hangover.
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