Monday, April 21, 2008


So the Katzfeys and the Prahs may have come up with the world's coolest (kewwwwlest) game ever. On Saturday night we all had to attend what we only knew as "a musical theater review tour at Waukegan High School". The reason we were going was because a dear friend of ours who lives in Nashville was in said review.

Anne and Matt picked us up and we had about 1.5 hours in the car to kill. (I mean killing time...not animals or people or anything....after this horrible shooty weekend I felt I needed to qualify). We started discussing what we might see in the show that night and came up with the greatest game of all time.

Musical Theater Cliche' Squares (pronounced Squahz!)

We ended up with a pretty complex points system and had side bets on ticket prices and what not. Essentially all we needed were the basics. We all had 9 squahz to fill out. We did this silently and then compared notes. Most of us had things like "presenting hands" and/or "jazz hands" but then all of us ended up with some really wonderful goochers that were unique to each of us.

Here is my squah.

I was able to cross off everything except for Russians (the dance move OR the people....hey wait....does the Fiddler solo count????). Jason won, of course. He even was able to cross out "Military based monologue". He also was the first to complete a row AND the SECOND to cross something off. It all happened pretty quickly. I walked in (we were late) and while we were waiting for the guys to park I peeped in and saw a longing eye hand holdy duet! Matt and I had to excuse ourselves to the lobby for a second when the minute we all walked into the theater together Jason exclaimed via loud whisper "BAD ACCENT!" and crossed it off his game board. Another highlight was Anne almost dying of the giggles at, what Jason calls, candalography during a Phantom Medley. She said it less Phantom and more Star Wars and at the end of Christine's solo she said "So is she a Jedi yet?".

I must have to try this. Jason said as we started the long drive home at midnight (after beers with our friend in the sickest Days Inn hotel room EVER) "Man. I bet this makes us see a LOT more theater."

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