Tuesday, April 08, 2008

My Evil Twin.

Something is majorly wrong with me. I have been in a bad mood for like 5 days. I can't shake it no matter how hard I try. There are a few things stressing me out but NOTHING major and certainly nothing I haven't dealt with a million times before.

1. Hormones. I'm truly hoping this is MOST of the issue and that is passes today sometime and I get back to my positive outlook self.

2. Money. I think this might be most of it maybe. I'm just so sick of taking a step forward then falling like a canyon's worth backwards. Will it EVER be easier? It really doesn't seem like it.

3. Fat.

4. I miss my new phone that I haven't even met yet. It's been delivered to my apartment TWICE but no one has been there to get it. I just WANT IT!@!!!!!! GOD!!!!

5. People telling me what to do. Now this is a tough one because my entire JOB is based on me doing what I'm asked but I'm in no mood for it I tells ya....NO mood.

6. My own stupid self! I'm so annoyed with how snippy and mean I feel that I wish I could send myself on an errand for like three days just to get a break from myself.

7. The disgusting salad I ate like two bites of for lunch. Stupid Quiznos and stupid me for not listening to Hixx and John! http://chicagosaladdaze.blogspot.com/2007/07/quiznos-classic-cobb.html

Okay that's a little better. Sometimes I just need to list shit out to get perspective. That's right I just swore in my blog. This is the new angry for no reason me. Hopefully she'll go the frig away by tomorrow because this is the craps.

1 comment:

Hixx said...

ha! now you know crescent! Now you know...but I do like the warm pita pieces, especially if they get a little cheese on 'em.