Yesterday Matt, Erica, Tonya and Megan sent me and Jason away to watch football and proceeded to clean the living S out of our apartment. Then Anne got take out from my favorite Italian place in the world, Caro Mio and we all hung out in the sparkly clean home they made for us. What a gift. I woke up this morning and walked through the apartment again and felt like a new person. Every corner is clean and organzied. Except my room but I have to take care of that little war torn Kosovo myself.
Tonight is the Wilco concert with Jason. We are soooo excited! Then home to admire my apartment some more!
Chest x-ray this week but that's it as far as appointments go.
Funny time. I was texting my middle sister, Kendra, last week about the chest x-ray but apprantly my iPhone thinks that when I type x-ray I MEAN crayon. Makes sense. Wut???
So she was all freaked out asking people at work about it. "My sister has to have a chest crayon! Do you know what that is? Is it painful?"
We got it all worked out now after much laughings.
guuuuuurl. i LOVE LOVE LOVE caro mio. stuffed gnocchi and bruschetta for the win!
still thinking about ya. hope this finds you feeling good.
A wonderful person, surrounded by wonderful friends and husbos! Well, one husbo. Not multiple husbos. As far as I know anyway!
Thinkin' on ya, CPrah!
Go Packers!
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